Pastor’s Note 5/13/2021

“The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.”

 John 1:14 (The Message)

The Move

It has been 6 months since I started serving as the pastor at LCPC and commuting from Irvine to Lakeside but after this week, everything will change.

As many of you know, my wife Karyn and I found a house to move to in San Diego County. It won’t be for another 10 days until we can actually move into our new home but this weekend we move out of our home of 23 years. It has been hard as we pack things up and throw out some of the unwanted or unnecessary items we have obtained over the years. Memories of our children growing up in the house and things that we did as a family flood our thoughts as we continue to pack, but it is all good because God has called us to a new neighborhood. It is in this new setting that new memories will be made, but more importantly, we wanted to be in a place where God wanted us, in a neighborhood that needed us. I am not sure what that will entail, but that has been our prayer all along, that we would move into a neighborhood where we were needed.

A Road Travelled

Over two-thousand years ago, God “moved into a neighborhood” that needed Him. When Jesus came into the world, it was God moving in because humanity needed Him. Men and women didn’t know when that action took place that the world would be changed but now we do. God’s loving action of sending His son Jesus into the world changed our relationship with God forever. It was an act of love that God took and because of that, our lives are changed forever.


Today, take a moment to thank God for “moving into the neighborhood” and for how that act changed your life with God.


Have a great rest of the week and I will to see you on Sunday.
