Pastor’s Note 10/31/2024

Over the past weeks, during our Sunday morning services, we have been studying and learning from the great prayers of the Old Testament observing and gleaning information on how to pray from heroes like Abraham, Moses, Hannah, David, Solomon and Hezekiah. One of the things that I have learned is that God wants to hear our prayers. His desire is to be in relationship with us and so He wants to hear from us. That conversation is prayer.


This Friday and Saturday, November 1 & 2, we as a church are having conversations with our God. We are going to pray to God about our family and friends, our community and our nation and our world and our church.


Our 24-Hour prayer Vigil starts on Friday at 9am and continues until 9am on Saturday. We are concluding our Vigil with a Prayer Breakfast at 9am followed by praying and putting together the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.


So, would you join us in prayer? Whether you signed-up or not, you can pray. A separate eBlast will give you the details on how you might pray at home but let’s together pray to our sovereign God, whose love overflows to us as we humbly come to Him.


