31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
(Mark 12:31a)
Let me ask, “Are you a good neighbor?”
In this day and age, you could move into a new house and live there for years without even learning the names of your neighbors—including those who live right next door!
Being a good neighbor is somewhat of a lost art in our society today. In fact, over the past few years during COVID, keeping your distance was encouraged but it has created a world where more and more people are isolated and independent. We can do most of interacting in the world virtually with shopping online and deliveries right to our door.
But Jesus calls us to do love our neighbor and loving our neighbor means that we know them and know their needs.
So pray for your neighbors. Go out and learn their names. Offer them a plate of cookies or ask if they need something from the store when you are on your way.
I pray that the Holy Spirit moves powerfully in and through your neighborhoods. I’m excited to see what God will do!