Our Mission:
Love God,
Love People,
Make Disciples of Jesus
Many of you have probably heard or read the mission statement of LCPC. They are simple words but they remind us what the ongoing story of the Bible is all about: we are to love God, we are to love people, and we are to help each other, and show new folks that we meet what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. This Sunday’s scripture reminds of these principles.
This week as we continue in our study of the Letters of John and his basic messages of the Christian faith, we once again read about two simple principles that fit with our mission statement. We are to “love one another” and we are to “walk in obedience” (be a disciple). If you have a few minutes, find the letter of 2 John in a Bible or electronic device and read the 13 verses of this letter in preparation for our time on Sunday. If you have a few more minutes, go back to the first letter of John and reread what we have been studying on Sundays these past weeks. John is a big believer in not forgetting the basics. Each of his letters remind us of this.