Pastor’s Note 04/07/22

This Sunday is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week.


The most important week of the Christian calendar starts on Sunday and we have something taking place every day next week.


  • Monday thru Friday at noon, we will have a short communion service. Friday’s service will also include a multi-media presentation of the Stations of the Cross.
  • On Thursday, we will have a 6pm Maundy Thursday Service with communion.
  • On Good Friday, at 6pm we have a service remembering Christ’s sacrifice for our sins by dying on a cross. This can be an emotionally packed service as we listen and see nails be driven into a cross.
  • On Easter Sunday, we will have a celebratory service remembering Christ’s resurrection, with lots of great music and excitement. Of course we will have some goodies to eat after the service to enjoy.


 Who will you invite to these services and to Easter this year?


Holy Week and Easter Sunday are the perfect times to share about the great love that God has for us and it is the perfect time to invite others to hear about God’s love story and His desire to see the world know about His love.


So, is there a family member, a friend, a co-worker that might be open to coming with you to Easter services at LCPC? Let me encourage you pray about who you might invite and may we make this Easter time where God’s love shines through as we remember the resurrection of His son Jesus Christ.


I am praying for our week together and I hope to see you.

