This Sunday, February 2, we will be sharing in the Lord’s Supper, also known as Communion. It is on the first Sunday of every month that we as a church family partake of this Sacrament of the church. It is a reminder of what Christ did on the cross for us, “His Body Broken, His Blood Shed” and the sacrifice of “The Lamb of God” for our sins. But more than just a reminder of what Jesus did, in some mysterious way, it is a nourishing meal that sustains us for our journey in Christ as His disciples. It is also a foretaste of the heavenly banquet that Christ is preparing. I know it is something that I look forward to sharing with all of you.
I also know that many of you are not able to attend in-person at our Sunday service. Some of you are homebound, others of you are not available for a variety of reason, but I want to encourage you to participate in the Lord’s Supper in your home. If you would like, I can come and serve you communion at your home or one of our Elders or Deacons can also do that. We also can make available the communion elements for you to participate as you watch from home during the live stream of the service.
Partaking of the Lord’s Supper is a special part of being a church family. We at LCPC want all that claim Jesus as Lord and are a part of our church, to be able to participate in this important aspect of being a disciple of Jesus.
So, I hope to see you on Sunday or if you can’t make in person, watch on-line and let me know if you would like communion brought to you at your home.
Let’s be the Body of Christ as together we remember the meal that Christ has prepared for us.