Jesus told us, his disciples, to make disciples of all nations.
We INVITE you to join one of our ministries and together we will grow, learn and enjoy our time together, knowing that we are followers of Jesus.
One of the important values of Lakeside Community Presbyterian Church (LCPC) is our mission to serve others. It begins in our own community, and spreads throughout and to every nation. 


PEOPLE WANT TO ATTEND CHURCH, BUT NEED A RIDE.  If you can help, please call the Church Office, 619-443-1021.
  • fold the church bulletin for Sunday services,
  • be a prayer warrior,
  • join the prayer quilters,
  • read scripture on Sunday morning,
  • serve refreshments on Sunday morning,
  • volunteer for the church work party, 
  • become a greeter, or usher Sunday morning,
  • children’s teacher or nursery attendant (background check required),
  • volunteer in community events,
  • serve or help out in our Eat and Greet Ministry
  • volunteer at Lakeside’s Christian HELPS Center 




 Community outreach opportunity 

 last Sunday of each month.  All are welcomed to enjoy a hot lunch, fellowship, live music, and games.


Fellowship Hall at 12:15pm  

LCPC provides a free hot lunch to all in the community. This is a time to get to know your neighbor, talk, listen, encourage and share the love of Christ.   
We begin with an opening prayer, small devotional, live entertainment, food, conversation, and games.  

Please consider volunteering your time to feed the community.



Growing In Faith Together

Do you want to meet and connect with other women? Make new friends and study God’s Word with other ladies? We encourage each other through a variety of get togethers, through fellowship, service to others, and Bible Studies.
All women are welcomed and encouraged to bring a friend. 


Mondays at 3PM to 4:40PM in the Fireside Room for Bible Study

Sunshine Bags will be created throughout the year to cheer up our congregation women and shut ins.  Sunshine bags are small gift bags filled with devotional items, and may include coffee mugs, anything bright and cheerful along with an encouraging note. 

March 2, Saturday 7AM to 7PM (approx.) Women’s Retreat, Pine Valley Bible Conf. Center

March 10, Sunday – Movie Cabrini at Mission Valley 20, Movie starts at 3:45. Ten spots to attend are available. Cost is $7.50.  Carpool from the church at 3PM. 

April 6, Saturday 9AM Fireside Room, Secret Sister breakfast

April 19, Friday 7PM Fireside Room, BUNCO & Appetizer Potluck

May 5, Sunday 2PM Friendship Tea.  Bring a finger food dish or dessert.
May 17, Friday 7PM Fireside Room, BUNCO & Appetizer Potluck

June 15, Saturday 9AM Summer’s Past Farm lavender & antique craft fair. Carpool from the church.

July 20, Saturday 9AM Fireside Room, Secret Sister breakfast

August 26, Monday Balboa Park Silent Movie (all church event)

September 21, Saturday 11AM Welcome Back/end of summer get together, lunch & smores.

October 18, Friday 6PM Pizza & movie

November 16, Saturday 9AM Poway Farmers Market, carpool from the church

December 10, Tuesday 11AM Balboa Park, lunch and museum free day

December 28, Saturday 9AM Fireside Room, Secret Sister reveal & breakfast

*Blue font indicates event is an all-church event


Our men’s ministry is a group for the men (young and old) from our community & church family.  As friends and members of the Christian community, we meet monthly.  We learn from each other, share a meal, grow from a Biblical perspective, and have fun.  In the past we have gone bowling, trap shooting, toured naval ships, attended Padres games, and watched football together as we ate our way through all 4 quarters!  All men, from teenagers to seniors, are invited to be a part of this fellowship.  

All men are welcome and encouraged to bring a friend.

Whether you consider yourself a senior citizen, or an early retiree, we invite you to join us for our monthly events.  Typically, we get together in Rooms 1 and 2, for a brief devotional or Bible lesson, themed lunch, movie or play cards.  Canasta, Ino, or Bridge anyone?  Together we share our Valentine stories, participate in luau’s, Fourth of July parties, and Christmas white elephant exchanges.  
Monthly events, check with the church or calendar for next get together.

Prayer Quilt Ministry

The prayer quilters meet each Monday from 10AM to Noon. Some sew, knit, crochet, iron, talk, and just enjoy the company of others.  The quilts are presented & dedicated in the Sunday worship service. The quilt is then presented to the person in need of special prayers.  The LCPC Prayer Ministry has made over 700+ quilts since this ministry began.  

Prayer Ministry

This is something new in 2024.  The year began with a “Walk-about With Jesus” for 4 consecutive Saturdays reading a Psalm then discussed the history and meaning as we enjoyed a slow peaceful walk together.
A 24-hour Prayer Vigil was held March 14th from 9 AM thru Saturday March 15th 9 AM.   We encouraged  you to Pray anywhere, whether it was at the church, in your home, in your car, or outside. The goal was to take time and pray. 
Approximately 17 people attended our July Prayer Breakfast. We had a delicious pancake and sausage breakfast with fresh fruit, prayed for our community, church, prayer requests submitted to the church, our church family, friends, those who serve in harm’s way and the missionaries the church supports. We closed with a prayer jar containing 77 scriptures and making a prayer key chain with color beads to remind us of the Lord’s Prayer.  
Other future get togethers will be another Prayer Breakfast, Prayer vigil, and signups for a Prayer Partner.  If you are interested or have other ideas, talk to Pastor Tim or inform the office.

Missional Outreach

LCPC is thrilled to be part of the spread of God’s kingdom around the world. We are active in sending missionaries and supporting these missionaries with our money and with our prayers. We support multiple missionaries around the world, from San Diego to Florida, Africa, Mexico, and Malaysia.  We encourage all of our people to respond to God’s call for laborers, whether it means they move to a foreign country, or minister in our own community.  

Welcome to the Lakeside Community Presbyterian Church Library

Open the link to explore what books we have available to you.  If you find a book, you can check it out by coming to the church Room 1 and sign-out the book.   Periodically we purge books and offer unwanted books for free.