SMALL GROUP – Small group study on Christmas break
Adult Sunday School @ 11 AM – Every Sunday in Room 1 & 2.
Women’s Bible Study – Monday’s at 3PM to 4:30PM in the Fireside Room or you can join us on Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting: 8832411113?pwd= eG14TjJhVjhVUTdqUGNLb1laT3BZUT 09
Meeting ID: 883 241 1113 Passcode: ClemK4016
Men’s Bible Study – 1st & 3 Monday of the Month 7 PM Rooms 1 and 2.
Current study is all three books of John (1, 2 and 3). Current study is on Book of Judges.
If you would like to host a home Bible study, please contact the church.
Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) is a place to know God as together women explore and discuss His Word in community. Each year, Bible Study Fellowship classes focus on a different book or section of the Bible over 30 weekly sessions. Going chapter by chapter, verse by verse, each study allows members to better understand the text and gain a more thorough knowledge of, and relationship with, its Author — Almighty God.
There are also evening classes for women and for men throughout San Diego.
For more information on BSF and the current study, contact the church and ask for Linda Sunkel to contact you.
Welcome to the Lakeside Community Presbyterian Church Library
Explore what books we have available to you. If you find a book, you can check it out by coming to the church Room 1 and sign-out the book. Periodically we purge books and offer unwanted books for free.
We have books under Apologetics, Bible Study, Biblical Characters, Biography, Christian Education, Christian living, Christian Psychology, Commentary, Devotional, DVD, Evangelism, Family, Fiction, History/Archaeology, Marriage, men, Missions, Prayer, Presbyterian, Religious Movements/Cults, Theology, Women Ministries, and Children’s Bible Books.
Children’s Sunday School is during our normal Worship Service for youth and adults. Children are with their family at the beginning of the worship service and then will be excused to attend Sunday School. At LCPC we believe that it is far greater to reach more children with sound biblical teaching through the Children’s Sunday School curriculum.
Dedicated Nursery
Our nursery provides an inviting, and clean place that is safe to leave your little ones during worship and Sunday School. Our nursery attendant along with our youth volunteers are with the young children and infants to assist.
Sunday School Adults
Sunday at 11am in rooms 1 & 2.
Small Groups
Contact the church for a small group near you.
Sunday School Youth
grades 7-12
Sunday at 11 am
A deeper study of the Bible.
Sunday School
K-6 Class
Sunday at 9:45 am
Sharefaith Kids.
Sunday School Preschool Class
Children ages 3 & 4 will meet for a special time of age appropriate Bible fun.