5 “I am the vine; you are the branches.
If you remain in me and I in you,
you will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5
If you know me, you know that I love the Dodgers, and the last week has been a rollercoaster of emotions as the Dodgers and Padres battle in the Division Playoff Series. Friday night we will find out which team prevailed.
Throughout this playoff series, I have been listening to sports radio for both the Padres and the Dodgers while I drive. I have read online articles from the MLB (Major League Baseball) website as they review and analyze the two teams. I scroll through social media, following the comments and pictures of what has transpired during the game. I know that I get very invested in cheering for the Dodgers (My wife would say that I get a bit too invested). When the Dodgers are doing great, my exuberance overflows with shouts and cheers. When they are not doing well, I get quiet and wonder how will they ever win the game. The back and forth of emotions, especially during the playoffs, can be exhausting.
I will say this, the games and our current study of the book, Practicing the Way, have caused me to pause and take a look at my habits.
This past week’s study in Practicing the Way asked us to take an inventory of how we spend our time and where we invest ourselves. As I took my personal inventory, I realized that my practice of following Jesus (He is the Way of the book, Practicing the Way) is not as “consuming” as my cheering for the Dodgers during the playoffs. There isn’t anything wrong with my cheering for my team during a baseball game, but as I took my personal “Formation Audit” on how I spend my time, I realized that my “baseball habits” unintentionally form me more than my habits of spiritual formation. I probably need to make some corrections in my life. I know that the Practicing the Way small group is helping with these corrections.
I am still going to cheer for the Dodgers, but I am going to also check my “consumption habits” as I cheer. I need to seek out ways to be “consumed” in the ways of Jesus that outweigh my cheering for the Dodgers. I know that it will be a struggle, but it is good to pause and evaluate my life to see where I am investing my time and my habits. I hope that you will do the same by taking an inventory of how you are spending your time and see what “spiritual habits” you can make as a part of your routine.
I am praying for us as we seek to be Jesus’ disciples and walk in His ways.
Go Dodgers and have a great week!