Pastor’s Note 12/19/2024

If I don’t see you at this Sunday’s Advent’s Service or at our Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols Service (Tuesday, December 24 at 4pm), let me wish you a very Merry Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Merry Christmas!


Pastor’s Note 12/12/2024

There are a few more opportunities to invite friends to our Christmas ministry events that are happening at LCPC.


  • This Sunday, we celebrate the 3rd Sunday of Advent as we anticipate the birth of Jesus. There will be good Christmas music and as usual, goodies to nosh on before and after the service.
  • On Tuesday, December 17 at 6pm we will be singing Christmas Carols at the Olde Church on Maine Ave. The whole Lakeside community is invited to come and sing with us, so it is the perfect time to invite a friend and then go out to dinner with them.
  • On Tuesday, December 24, Christmas Eve we will be celebrating the birth of Jesus with a traditional Lessons and Carols service at 4pm. The Lessons and Carols service goes through the Biblical narrative of Christ’s birth along with great Christmas carols. It is a simple way to remember why Jesus was born. Willy the Donkey will once again join us at the end of the service (along with photo opportunities with Willie after the service) so if any kids or grandkids are going to be at your family’s Christmas Eve gathering, be sure to invite them and tell them about Willy coming to Church.


As I have said before, Christmas is a great time to invite friends to church and an opportunity for them to meet Jesus in the Christmas story.


Have a great rest of your week and I hope to see you on Sunday.

Pastor’s Note 12/06/2024

Every December, I look forward to preparing for the celebration of Christmas. Sure, there is the pressure to set-up Christmas decorations at home, the purchasing of presents, and getting ready for holiday parties, but once things are prepared, I look forward to preparing for why we do all that we do for Christmas and that is celebrating Christ’s birth.


In the Christian church we call this season Advent and the celebration of Christ’s first arrival to the world through His birth. Advent (which has its root meaning from the Latin word adventus which means “coming”) also anticipates Christ’s second arrival to the world and our need to prepare for His second coming and the fulfillment of God’s Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.


One of the ways that I prepare for Advent each year is by subscribing to the daily devotional from Biola University’s Center for Christianity Culture and the Arts (Here is the link to the CCCA Advent Project devotionals to subscribe and have it delivered to your in box: ( These devotionals, (which include a scripture reading, poetry, art, and music) are one way that we can prepare for Christ’s first and second coming. Let me invite you to make this devotional a part of your Advent preparations.


Have a great rest of your week and I will see you on Sunday.

