Pastor’s Note 04/18/2024

It is exciting to see all the work that is going on the LCPC campus. I know for many of you this was a long-time in the making but I am grateful for the patience that you all have had as we worked on moving forward with each project. We still have more to do and there are projects that are still in the planning stages, but God has been good in working through the details.
Thanks to so many of you who have worked on various aspects of the projects. We needed everyone in getting to the point where progress is being made.
Keep praying for our church and for the ongoing projects. We need God’s guidance as we continue to move forward to be an “outpost for His Kingdom” here in Lakeside.

Pastor’s Note 04/11/2024

What is it that makes a church, a church? There are certain characteristics that are a critical part of the “DNA” of a church. When a church strays from this DNA it strays from the original calling of what the church is to be.


This Sunday we start a new sermon series entitled “The Code of a Church: A Study in the 1 Timothy” as we look at what Paul wrote in a letter to his close associate Timothy, who was pastoring the church in Ephesus.


Come and join us as we start this study in 1 Timothy, and bring your Bible, as we learn more about the church and the important roles that each of us plays, in being the church.


Hope to see you on Sunday.

Pastor’s Note 04/04/2024

I hope that you had a good Easter with family or friends. It was good to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with many of you here in the LCPC sanctuary.


This Sunday at worship we welcome Pastor Van Elliot back to LCPC. He is about to move out-of-state to Alabama and we thought it would be great to have him preach and to give a great send-off with a potluck after church. So I hope that you can attend to wish Pastor Van goodbye.


Have great rest of the week and I hope to see you on Sunday.
