Pastor’s Note 06/28/2024

I need to say a big thank you to many of you who helped cover last Sunday’s service due to my illness. If you didn’t hear, I returned home from my trip and came down with COVID. I am grateful to John Sunkel for “pinch-hitting” for me and doing the preaching on Sunday. I am feeling much better and will be back on Sunday.


We start a new sermon series this week entitled, “Angles of Love” as we look at a church, it’s architecture and how a building can speak to us about the love of God. We are also going to be using the stained-glass windows in the church as a springboard for telling the story of God’s love.


So, I hope to see you this Sunday.


Pastor’s Note 06/21/2024

It is good to be back from my time away and A LOT has taken place in my family’s life.


We had an epic trip to Armenia with extend family. We learned so much and enjoyed each other’s company throughout the week.


But more important was that our daughter Lauren had her baby on the Thursday, June 6 the day before we left. That meant that my wife Karyn canceled her trip to Armenia and instead, headed to Texas for a week. Baby Charlotte Alyse Watson is doing well and I can’t wait to meet her in person.


There are many details to share with y’all but for now, I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.



Pastor’s Note 06/07/2024

 “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,

 continue to live your lives in Him, 

rooted and built up in Him,

 strengthened in the faith as you were taught, 

and overflowing with thankfulness.”

Colossians 2:6 & 7


Paul’s words to the church in Colossae are words that I want to echo about all of you. I am “overflowing with thankfulness” for you and for your efforts in serving our Lord through the ministries of LCPC.


As most of you know, we have been doing a lot of major maintenance projects on the LCPC campus. Roofs have been repaired and replaced, concrete has been poured, and landscaping has been installed. All of this was necessary as we seek to be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us. There is still more to do but much progress has been made.


I want to say thanks to the many people who took time, effort and energy to meet with contractors, get their bids, have them approved, and to follow-up with the contractors once work got started. It was a lot of work to do that. Special “shout-out” to Sheila King and Joe Conard who were the main point people interacting with various people.


Also, I want to say thank to so many of you who have made financial contributions to the church during these first months of 2024. Although we aren’t totally in the black, our deficit at the end of April was only $519. Your continued generosity will help with ministry expenses as we continue the year.


I am also thankful for the way that you have welcomed people to our church. Whether they are a new family that is coming to visit and “check us out” or an un-housed neighbor who comes to worship and get a cup a coffee on a Sunday morning, you have welcomed them and they have felt comfortable meeting you. Know that the best “advertisement” for our church is in the way that you treat others. It speaks volumes about your love for Jesus and people.


We want to continue to be a place where God’s kingdom and His values are expressed and demonstrated. One of the reasons why we “spruce up” our campus and our facilities is so that LCPC can be a welcoming place to people in our community with the hope that they will meet Jesus. It might not happen right away, but we want to demonstrate kindness and generosity to others because of the kindness and generosity of God’s love for us.


Have a great rest of your week.


