Pastor’s Note 11/14/2024

I am grateful for our church family. God has blessed us in many ways, with people who love being together, who have a deep-set desire to grow as disciples of Jesus, to be more like Him, and to see our influence for Jesus spread throughout Lakeside and beyond.


This Sunday as we gather for worship, we will be collecting our 2025 pledge cards. This act of worship gives us an opportunity to dedicate our financial intentions for God’s work through LCPC next year.


So, if you haven’t yet, prayerfully consider what financial pledge you might make toward the ministries of LCPC in 2025 and bring your pledge cards this Sunday as we dedicate them and ourselves to God’s work. If you are unable to attend in person this Sunday, you can always mail your pledge card to the church or drop it by the church office during business hours.


Again, thanks to all of you who call this place your church family. Together, we can make a difference for His kingdom.
