Pastor’s Note 3/30/2021

I just wanted to remind you about the upcoming Holy Week experiences:

Thursday, April 1 is Maundy Thursday and at 7pm
I will be giving a short reflection on the meaning of Maundy Thursday and offering an opportunity for you to take communion in your home. This is a Zoom invite so be sure and call or email the church office ( and provide your email address so that you will receive the Zoom invitation. In preparation for home communion you may stop by the church office during the week or provide your own bread and fruit of the vine with elements from your home. Then during the Zoom Meeting we will have communion together.

Friday, April 2 is Good Friday, and between 12-3pm we will offer an opportunity to remember Christ’s sacrificial love for us as we walk with Him to the Cross. The Journey to the Cross will be a multi-media experience that will be shown in the LCPC sanctuary on the big screen. You will “journey” with Jesus to the cross, looking at drawings on the screens, reading Scripture, and reflecting on questions provided in a booklet. The experience is approximately 15 minutes in length and at the end, you can participate in communion with me in the Sanctuary. You can also receive prayer at the end of your time if you would like.  The Journey to the Cross will take place between 12-3pm (the traditional time when Jesus hung on the cross), so come any time between those hours to participate.

Finally, on Sunday, April 4 at 10am, we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus at an outdoor Easter Celebration Service once again at the Lindo Lake Pavilion 1. This is the perfect chance for you to invite a friend to check out our church.
Let’s see if we can get as many people as we can from Lakeside and other communities in East County to check out our church this Easter at the Lindo Lake Pavilion.
Thanks again for your partnership in the ministry of LCPC and for praying about all of the upcoming ministry opportunities. May God be honored as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection together
