Pastor’s Note 1/28.22

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need and thank Him for all he has done.”
Philippians 4:6 (NLT)

Does prayer really change things? Does God really hear my prayers? Is prayer necessary?
I get asked these types of questions from time to time and at times, I wonder the same thing. The one thing I do know is that without a doubt, God wants me to pray and that He hears my prayers! The answers I get from these prayers are not always what I expect, but over the years, I can say that my prayers are heard and so, I continue to pray. I can also say that my relationship with God has qualitatively changed for the better. I feel closer to Him. It is just like any relationship, the more time I spend with that person, the more I get to know them and so it is with God.
I hope that you can join us on Sunday (in person or online) as we continue in our sermon series “Following King Jesus.” This week we look at “Hearing God” and how we might, through our prayers, hear God in our lives.
Let me also invite you to pray with me and others from church. There are several ways to receive prayer:
  • Each Sunday after the worship service, we offer prayer for those that would like to pray about a concern in their lives or in the life of someone they care about. Prayer Ministers will be available to pray with you.
  • We also have our Prayer Cards that are located in the pews. You can write a prayer request and place it in the offering plate or hand it to an usher. Our website also offers a Digital Prayer Card to make prayer request or you can email the church office and it will get to the Prayer Warriors and the LCPC Prayer Chain. Be sure and write that you give permission to use your first and last name (or the person that you are asking prayer for) if you desire that on the prayer request.
  • You can also join me at our Prayer & Praise Gathering on Thursday nights from 6:00-7:00pm. These prayer gatherings will be a time to pray for one another, for our church, for Lakeside, East County and our world. We may sing a song or two with Ron and the folks from the choir. If you can come every week that would be great but if you can only come once in awhile, that is OK. I would love it!
So, pick a Thursday, put in on your calendar at 6:00pm, and join me and others in praying to God at Prayer and Praise. It will make a world of difference in your life.   

Pastor Tim

A note from the Pastor, 1/13/2022

What might it have been like to “go to church” in the first century?
It is a good question to ponder as we talk about following King Jesus in our current sermon series. It would have been different than what we experience today. So what would your description be of the first century church?
Most likely it would have taken place in someone’s home, a gathering of men, women and children. Everyone would have gathered around the tables that were prepared for a meal. As the service begins, everyone settles around the tables and eating the prepared meal. In the midst of the meal, the elder stands up, speaks about the bread (Jesus’ body broken for all) and then the cup (reminding all that Christ blood was shed for their sins). He also reminds everyone at the meal that they are one family in Christ. The men and women, the slaves and the free, the Roman legionnaire, the Jewish merchant and the Greek magistrate, the rich and the poor are all one family in Christ.
How is this scene different than what takes place today at church? What is the same? What does it mean to be a part of God’s family?
Join us this Sunday as we explore what it means as we follow King Jesus together.
Have a great rest of the week and I will see you Sunday.

Pastor Tim