Pastor’s Note 06/03/22

I just checked the weather app. on my phone and the temperatures are supposed to drop this weekend so it will be a perfect day for a picnic this Sunday!


I hope that you will make plans to be at our Sunday Worship Service and All-Church Potluck Picnic at Lindo Lake. Worship starts at 9:45am followed by the picnic. There should be plenty of food (you all are good at bringing food*), games and all the amenities of the park to have a great day.


Looking forward to being together.



*Please note that there are no electrical outlets at the pavilion.

Pastor’s Note 05/19/22

Let me ask a question. Do you think that the best days are behind or ahead for our church?


I know that as I have had conversations with many from LCPC I hear about the “good old days” in the past. The days when families were active, when there was lots of church activities and when LCPC was at the center of the Lakeside community.


Today, our world is different. Church is one of the many options that people choose and there are other good churches in our community but I can say with confidence, that through the prompting and guidance of the Holy Spirit, our best days are ahead of us.


I don’t know what our “best days” will look like right now. I don’t know if that means that we will have lots of church activities, with lots of families and children but I do know that God has equipped us (and others that He is calling to join us in the future) to find new and exciting solutions to bring Jesus to our community.


  • When we live into our creative calling.
  • When we follow Jesus with all of our heart,        soul, mind and strength.
  • When we love our neighbors as ourselves.
  • When we flourish as Jesus’ disciples.
  • When we humble ourselves to follow Him            and not follow our own agenda.
  • New ideas will arise and our best days will        follow.


Our best days are ahead of us! I am excited about what is in store and what God will be doing through each of us as we seek to expand His kingdom influence here in Lakeside, East County and the world.


I hope that you will also be excited about being a part of our best days!


Know that I am praying for you, for our church and for our following Christ together.