The Trinity

During my early Christian walk I had a difficult time truely comprehending how God as one can also be Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Three very distinct entities, but yet all are one. Then during a children’s time during the worship service, our prior Pastor explained the trinity so the children could grasp the concept.
Pastor Bob used water (h2O) has a metaphor to demonstrate the trinity. Chemically speaking water is two hydrogen atoms linked to one oxygen atom. Snow and steam are also h20 (water), but in different forms; all three forms are the same h2O composition yet under different conditions they have a different form.
As I listened, the concept of the God, Jesus & the Holy Spirit as one made sense. Conceptually, I was able to imagine God as water, necessary for life, gentle as soft rain, nurturing life, but also fierce and powerful, capable of taking life. Worthy of awe,respect, and fear.
Jesus is my snow. My sins, ugly and blotted as if debris strewn across the landscape, but with a freshly fallen snow covering, what was once ugly is covered and made beautiful and new. Just as sin continues in my life, Jesus having giving his life to take my sin, continues to love me and takes my sins away. Each freshly fallen snow is a reminder of Jesus never ending sacrafice as my sins forgiven and disappear under His grace.
The Holy Spirit, I envision as steam, replenshing my soul. Just as a plant can wither, alive yet lacking vibrancy, so to can our hearts and soul slowly wither and lack life. A withered plant is in desperate need of an infusion of moisture, almost as if the plant is breathing in the h20, steam to restore the inner life of the plant. So to, I imagine the Holy Spirit seeps into my soul, heart and mind, restoring me from within when I am weak.

The Paradox

It has been said the Christian life is a paradox – the first will be last, to die in return for eternal life, servitude on earth for “riches” in heaven; the list goes on. The Christian life requires faith in God, it sounds easy but as we all know the reality is quite the opposite. Living our lives using worldly values; who has the most toys wins, if we do good – good things will happen to us, he or she did a bad thing and got what they deserve. When we live by these set of values, we fail to grasp the purpose, strength, courage and opportunity the Lord offers to all.  We must recognize there is a higher power, and there is evil in our world.  

Carrying a good luck charm or having a lucky rabbit’s foot isn’t going to improve your situation; just remember it didn’t do the rabbit any good either. When we stop relying on ourselves or gimmicks and start putting our faith and reliance in God we will get through the difficult times in our lives and come through life’s challenges even stronger. Every one of us has fallen short in the glory before God, and yet we have undeservedly received His grace and mercy.  
Our God who created the heavens and the earth and all that dwells in it, is truly an awesome God!