Pastor’s Note 09/21/2023

One of my favorite times each month is chapel with the children and teachers at our preschool. We gather in the church sanctuary and we sing a few songs, pray, and I share a story about Jesus. It is sweet because I love teaching the children that Jesus loves them and many times, this is the first time that the children are learning this about Jesus.


Our Preschool is an important part of our ministry to our community. It is the only faith-based preschool in Lakeside and we are glad that we can offer this ministry to families in the area. The small class sizes along with teachers that have been teaching at the Preschool for many years is a great opportunity for families that want to start their child’s education with a Christ based foundation.


If you know of a family that has preschool age children, tell them to take a look at our Preschool and encourage them to take a tour. It may just be the right fit for their family.


P.S. Over the next two month we are designating the proceeds from our SCRIP sales to the preschool as they prepare to paint and freshen up the Preschool’s bathrooms. There are over 200 different stores and restaurants that participate in this program, so check out what is available and help support our Preschool.

Pastor’s Note 09/14/2023


In Case You Missed It, we had a good Sunday last week.


We started with a new sermon series, Major Words from Minor Prophets, as we looked at the book of the 12 minor prophets, Hosea and his marriage to Gomer. If you missed it, you can watch it here ( on the LCPC YouTube channel.


We also had a Ministry Fair with lots of Trader Joe snacks to enjoy. The fair was a chance for you to check out different ways that you can be involved a ministry at LCPC. Here are a few of the highlights:


  • The Women’s Bible Study (Mondays at 3pm) is starting this coming Monday, September 18.
  • Our Chancel Choir is preparing for a Christmas Cantata which is going to be a community-wide Christmas Carol sing-a-long. It would be great to have a full choir loft as we sing the familiar songs of Christmas on December 17. Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings (8:45am) and Thursdays (6:00pm).
  • The Men’s Bible Study is open for men to join. They meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month (which means that they will be meeting this Monday, September 18 at 7pm.
  • The Prayer Quilt Ministry is getting ready for their Craft Fair on Sunday, October 15. New quilters are always welcome. They meet on Mondays at 10am.
  • There is a new ministry at LCPC, The Prayer Ministry, which an opportunity for you to participate in one of the many ways in which are a praying church. The Prayer Warriors, after service Prayer Ministers and the 24-Hour Prayer Vigil (on Friday, October 13-Saturday, October 14) are a few of the ways that you can be involved in this ministry.


All of these are ways that we are helping each other to live out our mission: To Love God, To Love People and To Make Disciples of Jesus. I hope that you can find a way to get involved this Fall in a ministry.


See you on Sunday.