Pastor’s Note 07/13/2023
Our Mission:
Love God,
Love People,
Make Disciples of Jesus
Many of you have probably heard or read the mission statement of LCPC. They are simple words but they remind us what the ongoing story of the Bible is all about: we are to love God, we are to love people, and we are to help each other, and show new folks that we meet what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. This Sunday’s scripture reminds of these principles.
This week as we continue in our study of the Letters of John and his basic messages of the Christian faith, we once again read about two simple principles that fit with our mission statement. We are to “love one another” and we are to “walk in obedience” (be a disciple). If you have a few minutes, find the letter of 2 John in a Bible or electronic device and read the 13 verses of this letter in preparation for our time on Sunday. If you have a few more minutes, go back to the first letter of John and reread what we have been studying on Sundays these past weeks. John is a big believer in not forgetting the basics. Each of his letters remind us of this.
Pastor’s Note 07/06/2023
Being a church that prays together doesn’t just happen on Sundays at worship. It can happen throughout the week, and this summer, we are going to pray together for the months of July and August. Over the next two months, each day take some time to pray the three prayers below; one in the morning when you wake up, one at midday (at 12:12pm) and one in the evening. These can be another our time of praying together.
Morning Prayer
A Prayer of Relinquishment
“Today, Lord, I yield myself to you.
May Your will be my delight today.
May You have your perfect sway in me.
May Your love be the pattern for my living.
I surrender to You my hopes,
my dreams, my ambitions.
Do with them what You will,
when You will, as You will.
I place into Your loving care my family,
my friends, my future.
Care for them with the care I can never give.
May You establish Your Kingdom through
my words, my hands, my feet,
for Jesus’ sake. Amen”
Mid-Day Prayer at 12:12pm
Our Father
“Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name;
Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our debts,
s we forgive our debtors;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power
and the glory. Amen.”
Evening Prayer
A Prayer for our Church
Lord, we humbly come before you to guide us to be a good and beautiful community.
Guide us to know Jesus more intimately.
Fill us with Your Holy Spirit that we might dream and act in ways that seek
“Your Kingdom here, as it is in heaven.”
May we be a community that is…
A Holy Community…
A Hopeful Community…
A Serving Community…
A Christ-Centered Community…
A Reconciling Community…
An Encouraging Community…
A Generous Community…
A Worshipping Community…
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!